Saturday, October 11, 2008


This is sliding down the sand dunes in Oregon this summer. You use wax to make your board slippery, then you slide down them really fast. It was a lot of fun. There's also a picture of me and Kamron at the sand dunes.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Awesome Sandcastle!

This is our sandcastle in Bearlake that I made with my friends.
It took a long time to make. It was so fun. I'm the one at the very
left of the picture.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Thimphu View
All my times are listed on Thimphu time...just because :) They are a day ahead of us. The above link is for your enjoyment of a Thimphu View!

Friday, September 26, 2008

my hedgehog

This is my hedgehog named pickle
dedicated to my friend mikelle with
her love of hedgehogs. Click on more to
feed it. Click on the hedgehog a lot to make
it jump.

Parasailing at Lake Tahoe!

This is me and my mom parasailing at Lake Tahoe. It was so awesome! We went up 600 feet.I thought it would be scary, but it was very peaceful and quiet. It's so beautiful looking down
from up high. We loved it.